When it comes to the features that QuickBooks offers, Payroll is the one that tops the list. The users are provided with a 16 digit payroll service key at the time of purchase of the software. The service key mentioned in the previous line links with the EIN i.e. Employer Identification Number and payroll service. In order to activate the payroll service for QuickBooks file, the service key is supposed to be entered in QuickBooks. Many users aren’t aware with the procedure to enter or edit payroll service key in QuickBooks.

Well, if you are also not familiar with the entire process, then read this article till the end and enhance your knowledge regarding entering or editing QuickBooks payroll service key. A quick solution for the same can be to consult a team of experts and let them guide you throughout the journey of entering or editing the payroll service key in QuickBooks.

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Steps to Enter or edit payroll service key in QuickBooks

The process of entering or editing the payroll service key in QuickBooks is a step by step process. Let us explore each of the steps one by one.

Step 1: Obtaining the Service key

In order to enter or edit the payroll service key, the most important thing is to firstly obtain the service key. The service key is usually received via mail. If in case the user is not having the service key, then he/she can use the automated service key retrieval tool. In this tool the user will be required to sign-in the Intuit Account. It should be noted that the automated tool might not work in certain cases.

  • The payroll service keys are generally sent to the users through email
  • In case the service key isn’t received, then use Intuit’s automated service key retrieval tool
    • The tool might not work if there are multiple payroll orders in the system for the company
    • Or, if the payroll product is purchased from a retail store
    • The issues might also be seen if the business phone number did not match with the Intuit file

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Step 2: Enter the Service key

  • Coming to the second step of the process, the user is expected to open the QuickBooks service keys window.
  • And then, select Employees and My Payroll service in the company file. If the user has the Payroll set up, then in that case he/she will have to select the Manage Payroll Service option. Whereas, otherwise select Add Payroll Service.
Enter the Service key - Step 1

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Step 3: Add QuickBooks Service key

  1. If the user is not having the payroll service in the company file, then he/she is supposed to select the Employees, Payroll, and Enter Payroll Service Key options respectively.
Enter the Service key - Step 2
  1. Moving to the next step, in the QuickBooks service keys window, if the you are not a disk delivery service user, then select Add if no payroll service is listed, or select Edit if the payroll service is listed.
Enter the Service key - Step 3

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  1. Now, the user will be in the service keys window, in which he/she is supposed to select the Edit option, in case of a disk delivery service user. Also, note down the service key.
  1. Deleting the payroll service key in QuickBooks desktop
Enter the Service key - Step 5

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  1. After that, choose the Add option and continue with the rest of the steps.
Enter the Service key - Step 6
  1. The next step is to enter the service key in the respective field. (If the user is having the disk delivery service, then he/she will be required to enter the latest disk delivery key.)
Enter the Service key - Step 7
Enter the Service key - Step 8

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  1. Once done with the above step, the user is required to hit Next and Finish options respectively.
  2. Now hit Ok, once you receive the Payroll update message.
  3. And then tap on Ok, after the service status shows Active.
Enter the Service key - Step 9

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Limitations of Payroll Service in QuickBooks

Though, QuickBooks payroll service is one of the best features of QuickBooks accounting software, but at the same time, there are certain limitations as well associated with QuickBooks payroll. Those limitations include the following:

  • The very first thing that one should know is that, it is only possible to take one payroll subscription for all the companies.
  • A desktop has to be registered from where one can access the payroll account.
  • Another limitation for the same can be to pay the direct deposit to the employee, after which the user will be able to make multiple company account with a single payroll subscription.
  • Moving to the next limitation, the payroll admin and the contact details of the QuickBooks payroll subscription should be same for every company.
  • The last drawback of the same is that while working with the same EIN, the user might encounter problem of QuickBooks desktop support single data.

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How to update the existing payroll subscription with another EIN?

In order to update the existing payroll subscription with another EIN, the user can carry out the following steps:

  1. The first step is to click on an employee, and then tap on the payroll option.
  2. Followed by clicking on the “my existing payroll services” option.
  3. And then the user is required to verify the account maintenance tab, and then the user will have to click on the Add EIN option.
  4. Moving to the next step, hit the ‘Add to the subscription button‘.
  5. Once done with that, the user will have to fill the business name and the EIN, and hit next.
  6. After that a review information window will appear on the screen.
  7. Followed by click on next to add the company EIN that is free of cost.
  8. Now, the user will receive a new service key for the new EIN.
  9. After which, the user will have to open another company file, in which the service key is supposed to be added.
  10. Once done with that, click on Employees.
  11. And then visit my payroll service.
  12. After which the user is required to manage the service keys, and then opt for the add option.
  13. The final step is to fill the new service key and hit Next.

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Wrap up!!

QuickBooks payroll is one of the best features that one can avail, when it comes to QuickBooks. Entering or editing the payroll service key in QuickBooks becomes much easier with the process mentioned above.

However, in case of any doubt, or if you face any error, then getting in touch with our QuickBooks enterprise support team will definitely work in your favor. Our team of certified accounting professionals and experts will assist you in the best possible way.

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