When it comes to QuickBooks, you need certain components to keep working on your software smoothly. One such component that is must is QuickBooks database server manager. Well, QuickBooks database server manager is a core component that you require so that your users can access the company files, when you set up a network. This component further helps you in monitoring your multi-user network.
Quick Note: In case you don’t want to use multi-user mode, then you won’t require database server manager.
In this segment, we will be sharing how you can download QuickBooks database server manager and configure the same. To learn more, make sure to scroll down this quick guide till the end.
Download and Install QuickBooks database server manager
You might not be aware of the fact that QuickBooks database manager is basically a part of QuickBooks desktop file. You just need to download and update QuickBooks desktop and the database server manager will be updated on its own. Here are the steps that you need to follow to install QB database server manager on your server computer.
- You need to first close all open programs on the server system, along with QuickBooks
- Later, open the install file which is setup_QuickBooks.exe
- Once done with that, perform the onscreen instructions and you will have to find the product or license numbers
- After QuickBooks asks you to go for install type, make sure to pick custom or network options.
- And then, choose next tab and avoid selecting express
- Go for the best option for your network setup and then pick next tab
- Both options install QB database manager.
- Even though QuickBooks is preinstalled, this won’t overwrite any existing company data.
- In case you wish database server manager and QuickBooks desktop on the server system and choose I’ll be using QuickBooks on this computer, AND I’ll be storing our company file here so it can be shared over out network. This option is highly recommended.
- In case you only wish database server manager on your server system, then choose I will not be using QuickBooks desktop on this computer
- Carry out the rest of the onscreen prompts and then click on install tab. You might be asked for Windows permissions
*Quick Note: QuickBooks basically creates new Windows user for every version of database server manager. You further have to assign QBDataServiceUserXX permission to access the folders that have the company files. You will see the users when you set system-level permissions.
Steps to configure database server manager
Post installing database server manager, you can configure the same using the steps below:
- The very first step is to open Windows start menu
- Followed by entering services in the search bar
- Also, open services tab
- And opting for and opening QuickBooksDBXX
- The next step is to head to the general tab and find service status.
- If its started, then go for stop tab
- The user will then have to choose automatic from the startup type
- Followed by, heading to the logon and choose local system account
- Also, head to the recovery option and choose restart the service from first failure, second failure, and subsequent failures.
- The last step here is to head to the general tab and choose start to restart database server manager.
Set your firewall permissions
In case you haven’t, make sure to check the firewall and antivirus permissions. You need to give database server manager permission to run on your server system. And further scan the company files so that you can host them over the network.
As this brings us to the end of this segment, we expect you to understand the QuickBooks database server manager better and make the most use of it. For more such informative post, keep scrolling through TransyncPro!